KERRY CONCEDES TO BUSH & bush gets 270+ from the electoral college.
while we have a whole new set of problems now (uniting a quite divided nation) at least this part is done. i'm so thrilled the election part is over that i could cry. seriously. if we had to go through the same crippity-crap of last year with the courts, it would seem to become par for the course for all future elections. what a debacle that would be.
those who voted done good, even if their candidates didn't win.
while we have a whole new set of problems now (uniting a quite divided nation) at least this part is done. i'm so thrilled the election part is over that i could cry. seriously. if we had to go through the same crippity-crap of last year with the courts, it would seem to become par for the course for all future elections. what a debacle that would be.
those who voted done good, even if their candidates didn't win.
. . . unless they're still being absolute bungholes in regard to their party's win/loss and either rubbing it in everyone's faces or sourpussing about. i won 5$ out of the deal so i count it a happy day, indeed.
yeah, after nearly 2 weeks, I'm in the 5th and final stage of mourning (i.e. acceptance), and can finally muster a congratulations. so there you have it. and I second the last sentence. - apathy
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