THIS ARTICLE is enough to make many of us not want to be labeled in the same belief bracket that is typically attributed to christianity. one of my favorite (or least favorite statements, actually) statements is one asserting that "this worldview [of choosing childlessness] is sick, but more and more common". sick? that's a stretch. sad, perhaps. or in some cases, a good thing. but each of those would be seen through my perspective of a person who one day hopes to have a family. while God has intentions that a part of marriage is procreation, i don't think it's a definite thing that is required of every couple, but that's something they'd have to search out with God.
on the other end of the spectrum, i caught a special on the discovery channel the other night entitled 14 CHILDREN & PREGNANT AGAIN.
i would be a stark, raving, mad lunatic if that were me. i know what you're thinking & yes, more of a stark, raving, mad lunatic than i am now. the mom had been pregnant just about every year for the last 16 years (there were two sets of twins in the bunch) & the kids were homeschooled. i can't even fathom how much that poor woman probably wants to take a bubble bath & stick her head under the water to drown out the sound of screaming children. but that's most likely me projecting my thoughts. i think having two kids would be challenging so i can't even imagine seven times that.
on the other end of the spectrum, i caught a special on the discovery channel the other night entitled 14 CHILDREN & PREGNANT AGAIN.
i would be a stark, raving, mad lunatic if that were me. i know what you're thinking & yes, more of a stark, raving, mad lunatic than i am now. the mom had been pregnant just about every year for the last 16 years (there were two sets of twins in the bunch) & the kids were homeschooled. i can't even fathom how much that poor woman probably wants to take a bubble bath & stick her head under the water to drown out the sound of screaming children. but that's most likely me projecting my thoughts. i think having two kids would be challenging so i can't even imagine seven times that.
*sigh* it makes me want to start my own religion...
the religion of practicing having kids?
you kinky girl, annie.
look, you've already got a follower in jason!
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