30 April 2007
life gets in the way of blogging.
i know it happens to the best of us, but it is a pretty sad commentary that i am too utterly exhausted (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) to write about it. life has a way of getting in the way, so to speak. for now, it's got me wrapped up in work, engagement, wedding-planning, & church. soon i will be adding house-shopping to that list. i feel like i have so many items in the air to juggle that i'm consistently worried about dropping them.
it's not a great feeling. it's not even a good feeling. i'd prefer to feel a sense of accomplishment rather than a sense of dread that i've overlooked somebody/something of importance.
however, i must say that i managed to make it a priority this weekend to visit with old college friends. we had a get-together of most of the people that hung out together at school. there were also spouses, fiancés, & kids in attendance. we reminisced together over old times, talked about how our current careers match (or don't match) our intentions while in college, & generally caused a ruckus. with fourteen (yes, that's 14) children in the mix, it wasn't hard to have a ruckus. it was also a strange feeling to walk through the house or yard & see a little one's face & immediately peg who he or she belonged to by their facial features & mannerisms.
after all the complaining above, i'm happy to say that this trip was worth it & seeing some old college friends was absolutely refreshing.
not to mention we got a big start on finalizing the feather bouquets for the wedding. my mom thinks i'm crazy, but i think she'll eventually come around on the fabulousness of it!