argh, silly sha. wrote a whole entry, entry was gobbled somewhere. it now flies in cyberspace. no matter, it wasn't much in the way of making sense, but it made sense to me.
how did people survive in "the old days" without bloggery to keep them entertained? i've had more & more people tell me that they visit blogs during the work-day or school-day in an effort to alleviate the boredom. i was trying to recall what i did back before being tethered to a computer all day.
i remembered.
i jumped creeks, made forts, played house, cut barbie's hair, crated furniture from tuna cans for the barbiehouse, played with matchbox cars, swang on the swingset, ran through sprinklers, jumped in the pool, made mudpies, dragged my fingers through the cool creekwater, swang recklessly on a ropeswing, climbed through drainage pipes & enjoyed the echo of our voices as we crawled through, dressed the dog up in baby clothes, danced & sang to cheesy records, made a slip & slide in the backyard with trashbags, a gardenhose, & dishwashing liquid, made neighborhood kids push me on the riding lawnmower, rode my pink huffy to & fro, feared for my life from the neighborhood dobermans, got lost in the woods, picked fresh blackberries & honeysuckle, flew kites, played freezetag/tvtag/tunneltag/hide&seek, threw frisbees, caught lightening bugs, jumped in piles of leaves, & other asundry things.
that was a good life.
how did people survive in "the old days" without bloggery to keep them entertained? i've had more & more people tell me that they visit blogs during the work-day or school-day in an effort to alleviate the boredom. i was trying to recall what i did back before being tethered to a computer all day.
i remembered.
i jumped creeks, made forts, played house, cut barbie's hair, crated furniture from tuna cans for the barbiehouse, played with matchbox cars, swang on the swingset, ran through sprinklers, jumped in the pool, made mudpies, dragged my fingers through the cool creekwater, swang recklessly on a ropeswing, climbed through drainage pipes & enjoyed the echo of our voices as we crawled through, dressed the dog up in baby clothes, danced & sang to cheesy records, made a slip & slide in the backyard with trashbags, a gardenhose, & dishwashing liquid, made neighborhood kids push me on the riding lawnmower, rode my pink huffy to & fro, feared for my life from the neighborhood dobermans, got lost in the woods, picked fresh blackberries & honeysuckle, flew kites, played freezetag/tvtag/tunneltag/hide&seek, threw frisbees, caught lightening bugs, jumped in piles of leaves, & other asundry things.
that was a good life.