hello, blog.
it's quite strange to see you after all this time. i see that you've held up well to the tests of time. you've shined up the exterior, updated the look, perhaps shed a few pounds by way of all the old comments that were lost in the upgrade. but you are here & you are now. how very postmodern of you.
it's been a snow day around here. i should be working, but i am not. TheMan™ probably notes this as he watches my keystrokes & internet cruiselogs. (hi dominick!) however, i believe that one could make the argument that having the freedom to take small breaks here, there, & everywhere allow us to refresh & regenerate the brain, making us a better worker. after all, as long as my billables are up to par & i continue to do good work, that should be acceptable, no?
at one time this blog was a container for all my thoughts, random as they may be. somehow along the way, life got in the way of .... well, blogging about life. existentialist? maybe. that's quite a big word for an even bigger idea.
nevertheless, i am back, if even for but a fleeting moment.
it's good to be back doing the writing & exercising the brain. after all, i should probably do what i can to memorialize the bit of brain wrinkles that i do have since they will likely disappear amongst brainrot from all that diet coke ingestion.
it's quite strange to see you after all this time. i see that you've held up well to the tests of time. you've shined up the exterior, updated the look, perhaps shed a few pounds by way of all the old comments that were lost in the upgrade. but you are here & you are now. how very postmodern of you.
it's been a snow day around here. i should be working, but i am not. TheMan™ probably notes this as he watches my keystrokes & internet cruiselogs. (hi dominick!) however, i believe that one could make the argument that having the freedom to take small breaks here, there, & everywhere allow us to refresh & regenerate the brain, making us a better worker. after all, as long as my billables are up to par & i continue to do good work, that should be acceptable, no?
at one time this blog was a container for all my thoughts, random as they may be. somehow along the way, life got in the way of .... well, blogging about life. existentialist? maybe. that's quite a big word for an even bigger idea.
nevertheless, i am back, if even for but a fleeting moment.
it's good to be back doing the writing & exercising the brain. after all, i should probably do what i can to memorialize the bit of brain wrinkles that i do have since they will likely disappear amongst brainrot from all that diet coke ingestion.
Hooray! She's back! That is fantastic. Faaaaan-tastic.
I can relate to the diet Coke erosion. I cut it out of my life cold turkey this week, and man, it's been a difficult detox.
Like the new look. So will you be upping the activity or sticking to the bi-annual entries:)
booyah! i was already doing it as you typed, suckah!
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