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random sass & musing™

quips + wits + sarcasm + sageness = random sass & musing™


31 May 2004

it's memorial day ... what are you memorializing?

i remember that every memorial day growing up was spent at the confederate cemetary down the road from my house, dragged by my parents so that we could celebrate with my dad's sons of confederate veterans group. i don't remember much other than typically being terribly bored and hating when they did the gun and cannon salute. that crack of confederate rifles and cannons was never my idea of a good time, not to mention the 1.5 mile walk lugging lawn chairs in the hot virginia sun.

in all seriousness, i am thankful for the sacrifices made by those in the military (including several in my family) to ensure the freedoms we have today. i'll memorialize to that. or something.

on the agenda today: a little r&r (due to the still dratted overcase raininess). no poolage for me today, i suppose. good thing since i got burned around the edges of my bathing suit due to incorrect sunblock application. sad, i know. my fair bonnie skin can't take the heat from the oppressive sun without reddening. much aloe application meaning i smell like a plant. mmmmmmm, plants.

this evening, a cook-out with friends. we're slowly getting to know some vintage folks which is nice. since jen was planning to host a get-together anyhow we decided to invite some vintage folks for more fellowship. after friday nights weirdness (complete with spillage of not one but FOUR beverages, including the shattering of a corona), i'm a bit concerned for her house. but that's me. i am sadly without a grill right now since deena decided to commondeer hers back. so very rude ... no takebacks! i use my george foreman™ more than that anyhow unless i have manly men willing to grill meat on a real grill. i'm not sure which is a funnier thought: that i know manly men or that the aforementioned grill was a "real grill". points to ponder.

the truth about cats & dogs

29 May 2004

anybody remember this movie? uma thurman? jeneane garafolo? a hilarious and surprisingly truthful movie about men, women, relationships and assumptions. i thought about this movie today only because of name of the actual movie i finally saw today, dogville.

i'd certainly say dogville isn't for everyone. the setting of one soundstage with small props and almost generic method-acting makes you feel as if you're at a local theatre production. i rather enjoyed the hometown feel to it. overall the themes of the movie were of humanity in general, the greed, the sinful nature, the lust, the humanness of all. the movie was three hours and has been touted by critics as a must-see for all. in my opinion, it's something hip for the indie folk to tell people to see, but it's most definitely not for everyone. honestly the last twenty minutes of the movie were most thought-provoking and the ending provided a small twist. if you have three hours and want to see an interesting (not ranking as phenomenal movie), go to it.

also today, i spent the remainder of my time with sarah where she's housesitting. pool, jacuzzi, trampoline, big-screen TV. what more could we ask for, i ask?! after lolling in the pool a bit, we lounged around watching some random wedding planning show on the style network (there's a style network?!). i swear, the wedding industry is raking in some PHAT CASH. these weddings were crazy $50K+ weddings and these wedding planners were running their tails off for a nice margin of profit from same. the sheer number of homosexual men with discriminating taste in this industry is more startling than you'd imagine, almost as startling as the shiny suits they wear. almost. just getting to spend time with sarah (and later daryll) was music to my soul. good times, good friends ... what more can you need in this world?

i feel as if i'm a wet noodle after spending the day in the water, sun, water, sun, water, sun, trampoline, water, loungechair. except for that twinge from attempting to do some old jumps on the trampoline. the russian, herkie and hurdler are no longer choice jumps for me or my sore muscles. but i still kickass (literally!) at the abstract. don't try this at home, kiddies!

legal advice + new peepers

27 May 2004

what is the deal with people calling me for legal advice? i'm not a licensed attorney, you twits. i cannot give you professional legal advice unless i want the north carolina bar association pursuing me. check back with me in 20 years and maybe i'll be a licensed attorney by then, depending on what rich man i marry and how many kidlets i pop out.

so, i got my new specs last night. big shout-out to stevie b for the hook-up of 50% off. glasses are freakin' expensive pieces of medical equipment. i swear i don't know how families afford to shod the eyes of parents + kids. since eyesight is hereditary, most kids will be wearing glasses if their parents are wearing them already. i imagine for a family of four it could run over $1,000. hear that? that's me gasping for breath out of sheer stunnedness. is stunnedness a word?

anyhow, it pays to be my friend. as a thank you to stevie b i purchased a giftcard for him and julie to have a night out at ted's montana grill. hey, can't say i'm one for bison meat but he raved on and on about it so i imagine he'll be pleased.

now then, if you don't ask me for legal advice perhaps you, too, can get a giftcard for bison!

near & far, betwixt & between

26 May 2004

my eye doctor informed me yesterday that i am an oddity. nice to know considering he is the first eye doctor who has told me that on eye is near-sighted and one eye is far-sighted. i've been seeing eye doctors since i was five and none have told me this before. apparently they assumed i would know this based on my prescriptions? yes, because i'm such an expert on reading prescrptions.

my other adventure yesterday afternoon. in my quest to the larger indie film theatre in cary, i spent 35 minutes driving from north raleigh to cary in rush hour traffic, a trip that usually takes 15 minutes tops. i couldn't locate the theatre as there was no sign (the town of cary is beyond particular about their signage). i attempted to call the theatre no less than three timesa nd got no live person, only the movie recordings. when i did locate the theatre it was 4:35 PM, 20 minutes after the listed start time. since previews are so freakin' long nowadays, i assumed i would make the beginning of the movie.

the kid behind the counter sold me my ticket and my drink. as i moseyed into the theatre, i noted i was the only soul in there and that there was no movie playing. two seconds later the same kid who just sold me my ticket and drink informs me that the movie wouldn't be running. apparently their policy is to start the movie within 15 minutes of the start time. because i didn't purchase my ticket within that time i would have to be refunded my money. why the kid didn't tell me this when i bought the ticket? i don't know. talk about somebody who was hot ... i was ready to come across that counter and strangle him. the manager apologized profusely and gave me a comp ticket, as well as refunded my money.

but dang, i wanted to see dogville! i suppose it'll be on the agenda for the weekend now. i'll definitely need some cooling theatre time since it will be mid-to-upper 90s with ridiculous humidity and the pool can only cool one off so much ...

taste the rainbow courtesy of moi

25 May 2004

it takes very little to amuse me somedays. today is no stranger to that phenomena.

for some reason i craved skittles® today. and as i overdosed on sickening sweetness i thought 'twould be beneficial for me to patronize their website. and i give you this result, my questions for you:

are my pixels showing?

if you're not close, guess who moved?

my hott weekend plans for the three-day weekend are dwindling. and i'm happy with that. i have so much i need to get done that has simply been overlooked the last few weekends due to various roadtrips and/or friends visiting and/or wedding things. so i think a three day weekend on my own will be glorious. i am in need of something to recharge my faithlife and i believe this will be the ticket. what better way to spend time at the pool between cool dips than catching up on my Bible study?

i was thinking last night as i was going through my devotional that i have felt that detachment from God that often comes when i shift my focus. as my old college roomie used to say, "if you don't feel close to God, guess who moved?"

james 1:17 - every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

he doesn't change despite our best efforts to change Him or His character. reassuring and refreshing, yes? how i wish i could say i was a friend as consistent as that.

moving on, then ... my eye appointment is today. i am quite remiss in that i haven't updated my glasses prescription in 8 years. contacts? not my friends, either. my eyes are too sensitive it seems and they see them as what they are: foreign objects. nothing kills a moment like spewing contacts from one's eyes, you know.

at any rate, here's hoping my eye doctor tells me my vision still isn't so bad and doesn't chastise me for lack of wearing my glasses. i mean, i can see in everyday life, i just can't read things from afar so well. after today, a new prescription and some funky glasses shall await me. good thing stevie b still works at lenscrafters™ and will give me the hook-up on some good deals.

also, since i'm leaving work early, i'm treating myself to going to see dogville today. i heard crippity-crap reviews about it though. good thing i don't listen to the critics much (although i could be regretting that after this afternoon)...

rainy days and hit parades

24 May 2004

it's a rainy day here. sometimes these are the best days for reflection, pondering and musing. there's something calming about the steady drone of rain, the way the raindrops meander down a glass surface so that you can almost here a small tinkling sound when they hit the flat surface, and the way they simply meld onto the new surface they touch.

why do we crash and shatter when we hit solid surfaces rather than meld and adapt before reacting? i'm not advocating complacency but sometimes perhaps rather than rebelling immediately we need to embrace the moment and react later.


23 May 2004

i can collapse. and will do so shortly after this entry is complete.

the wedding finally is over and done. the ceremony itself went off without a hitch (save for one of the pastors not appearing ... mind you the pastor of the church in which they married, the one who the church required in order to have the wedding in their building. stupid policy but don't get me started.), although the bride was almost an hour late to the church, thereby foregoing pictures before the ceremony, thereby causing their time after the ceremony to be expanded, thereby meaning they had less time at their reception because it was only scheduled until 4 PM. the cake was literally cut at 3:30 PM, the serving staff took the cake back to the kitchen and cut it, and my table received our cake around 3:50 PM. at 4 PM on the dot we were booted out -- we're talking the DJ cut the music practically mid-song, he announced that all must leave, and we were to wish the bride and groom along their merry way. at least the cake was there -- i got a call on my cell phone by the reception location indicating that the cake was not there. it was over and hour late but it did finally show up.

i really need to soapbox here about weddings. i love a good wedding as much as the next person, but there are some things that are ridiculous and pointless expenditures of fundage. in all the weddings that i have been in as a bridesmaid, solist, planner, program attendant, or reader, i have yet to see a wedding that goes off without some hitch. i've dried brides' tears; i've sweet-talked/cajoled/reamed florists, cake decorators, photographers and videographers; i've calmed nervous parents of the bride; and i've attempted poor sewing skills to do last minute mending on bridal/bridesmaid gowns. and it occurs to me that so many couples focus completely on that wedding day that they don't really think what it's symbolizing.

how easy is it for couples (let's face it, especially the brides of those couples) to get so caught up in the details for the day that they neglect their relationship with their fiancé/parents/siblings/friends, assuming they'll pick it up again later? relationships just aren't made that way, they are meant to be maintained not tossed aside for something "more important" that is simply a jumping-off point for the main event.

dear God, someone smack me over the head if i ever become one of those others that puts the frou-frou above you. (catchy, eh?)

suffice it to say, it's finally over. and the december wedding is slowly moving to the front line of fire -- my bridesmaid attire is narrowed down to one of two dresses. i really oughta file for tax benefits as a "professional bridesmaid" with as much money as i give the bridal industry for my attire, foot-shoddery, bridal shower product purchases, and gifts off of bridal registries.

and in celebration of me being relieved of more bridal duties, i finally made good on treating myself to some new muzak. modest mouse, good news for people who love bad news. mmmmmmmm, tasty.

still shiny

21 May 2004

i'm still shiny with metallic ink this morning from a small placecard project in preparation for jess's wedding this weekend. i really did shower this morning and practically scrubbed my hands raw attempting to remove this semi-permanent bronzey metallic ink. frankly, i give up. i suppose it could be considered attractive in some cultures. i mean, if you bronze a kid's shoes, why not someone's hands?

this morning i'm listening to the smooth sounds of the postal service. frankly, i'm still on the fence about whether i like this give up album as electronipop isn't always my favorite.

this weekend? amongst all the weddingy obligations i will have to make some time for shopping for muzak. i haven't gotten new music in a bit and there are some that have been on my TO GET list (read: jonny lang, modest mouse, and superchunk) for some time now. new music is a priority, my pets.

for the record

20 May 2004

you can pronounce this "random sass" rather than "random's ass". you'd be surprised how many times i've gotten that lately and each person thinks they're original with it. i know nobody in particular named random, but if/when i meet him i'll let you know how his posterior measures up.

or something.

moving on ... i just missed getting free fleetwood mac tickets for saturday night. dreadfully shameful.

going live

19 May 2004

this blog is going live, this wednesday, the 19th day of may, in the year of our Lord, two thousand four. no expenses spared, much pomp and circumstance.

i'm still working out some kinks with this and eventually trying to take this mundane layout that probably everybody and there mother, sister, brother and grandma have used for their blogspot, a little touch here and there to make it truly sha-friendly.

so glad that chris did join me last night and it's a shame spab bailed at the last minute. but no matter, it was good to get some time with chris and finding out how things are really going with him these days. big laughs when he told me that he's auditioning tonight for a reggae band which uses various percussionists ... he'd be the main drums. he also had great news from a pseudo-friend in nashville who called to tell him he'd be willing to put chris's name out for feelers with area A&R reps. you never know how those things will go. he and matt have planned a trip to nashville in august and jason insists he'll introduce them to the word records president, but we'll see if that actually happens.

our theology on tap discussion last night has still left many things on my mind. one of our discussions was about the inerrancy of the Bible. apparently someone on sunday stated that they believed the Bible to be inerrant in it's depiction of God's character, but with some errors in it's description of man. the example given was not specific -- something along the lines of a particular person listed HERE as being married to so-and-so, yet listed THERE as being married to so-and-so2. my thought process is that this is a dangerous line of thinking. stating that one part of the Bible is inerrant and another part is errant essentially makes it overall a book of pseudo-falsehoods.

we had fascinating convos on legalism and on how some people perceive a dual God, one of the OT and one of the NT. needless to say i recognize i have much more to learn in these areas, but that's what i like about vintage. it's a place to question, grow, learn, glean and really seek.

halfway there

17 May 2004

most of the links are up and running. i need to move everything from the ol' LJ here.

a blank palette

ready for pen & ink, or in this case the tippity-tap of typing transferring my thoughts to the information superhighway that is the 'net.

i'm still building my baby blog here, learning html very briefly. as i have time you'll see more changes here, there and everywhere.

first time

04 May 2004

test post

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