thanks, casey. i asked my mom the other day (first time she'd seen them): "don't they make me look smarter?" to which she replied, "nah, you can still see your face."
aww...sha, you're so cute! you remind me of that colleen chick from the first survivor (appearance-wise, not painfully horrid decision to appear in The Animal and subsequent (prior?) Chapstick commercials-wise...just so we're clear). I dig the specs. I have some like that, but I don't often wear them. -kapowski
nice specs, sha. me likey.
thanks, casey. i asked my mom the other day (first time she'd seen them): "don't they make me look smarter?" to which she replied, "nah, you can still see your face."
heh. did my mommy just make a grease reference?!
aww...sha, you're so cute! you remind me of that colleen chick from the first survivor (appearance-wise, not painfully horrid decision to appear in The Animal and subsequent (prior?) Chapstick commercials-wise...just so we're clear). I dig the specs. I have some like that, but I don't often wear them.
and you should post pics of your glasses on your site. they might be more appealing if they were actually on your face? unless it's an artsy shot?
i have no idea what i'm saying.
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