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random sass & musing™

quips + wits + sarcasm + sageness = random sass & musing™

30 September 2005

can you tell i'm bored? boredy-mcbored-bored, i am.
to pass the time, a new quiz:

1 - when you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?
depends if i'm looking at my face or at my clothing.

2 - how much cash do you have on you?

3 - what's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?

4 - favorite plant?
any plant i can't kill.

5 - who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?

6 - what is your main ring tone on your phone?
a generic one on my generic phone. maybe i should have drop it like it's hott instead.

7 - what shirt are you wearing?
a white tank with lace edging.

8 - do you "label" yourself?
i don't make it a practice.

9 - Name brand of your shoes currently wearing?
kenneth cole.

10 - bright or dark room?
ambience lighting is a must. i hate bright lights.

11 - what do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
they're pretty spiffy.

12 - ever "spilled the beans"?
i'll never tell.

13 - what were you doing at midnight last night?
rewinding the tape from watching survivor & apprentice.

14 - what did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
i don't text message on my phone.

15 - do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?
heck, no.

16 - what's a saying that you say a lot?
"you better recognize!"

17 - who told you they loved you last?
my daddy.

18 - last furry thing you touched?
chloe, the gazelle.

19 - how many hours a week do you work?
40+, give or take.

20 - favorite age you have been so far?

21 - your worst enemy?

22 - what is your current desktop picture?
fluffy pink feathers.

23 - what was the last thing you said to someone?
"stuff it, sharkey."

24 - if you had to choose between a milion bucks or to be able to go back in time to fix all of your mistakes, which would you pick?
that's comparing apples to oranges. i think my mistakes have shaped who i am, so i'd leave them be. so i guess i'd take the money. and run.

because it's just funny. i shall now BIBLICALLY CURSE YOU. you will like it.

my personal favorites include:

Harken, O ye wayward winebibber, for you will be kicked by an incontinent camel!

I pray thou shalt be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O thou who art a byword for idiocy!

hello, i'm 12.

(thanks to SHUA for the link-find.)

i'm wearing long, dangly earrings today that i haven't worn since my hippie days in college. i feel that i should be wearing a broomstick skirt, a jangly ankle bracelet, & babydoll shoes. but, alas, i am not.

on the way to work, i was thinking about how each separate part of the country deals with it's own sets of unsavory things. in the southeast (& especially in north carolina, where we are (i believe) the third state in most frequent hurricane damages), we deal with hurricanes & tropical storms. the west deals with wildfires, earthquakes & mudslides. the midwest deals with tornadoes. the northeast deals with blizzards & icestorms. there's really no safe place to live.

were i obsessive-compulsive, not that i am, i hope, at least i believe, although my use of commas in this sentence could say otherwise, i might believe that i should wear my tinfoil hat to prevent the government from reading my thoughts. back off, dubya. heh.

29 September 2005

i hate people. i'm called to love 'em, but i sure hate 'em. okay, hate is a strong word. perhaps instead i could say that i abhor, dislike, loathe, detest, & resent them. sometimes i am hostile toward them. sometimes it's easy to like them; other times it's hard.

why is that?

i think it's worthwhile that God created us all different but sometimes that difference makes me want to stick a fork in my eyeball-pit-socket-hole-crater. or theirs. tough call.

i imagine that God looks at us like jigsaw puzzle pieces, recognzing that we sometimes just don't fit with others. i wonder if what would happen if we took the "body of Christ" allusion to such heights that we jammed the pieces together, lopping off extra juts or adding play-dough to the valleys that need more peaks. but it seems we'd end up more with a disjointed mess than with a coherent mass of people.

i'm as stupid as they come, too. i annoy people. i make them seethe. i frustrate them. so when the roles are reversed, how do i wish to be perceived? probably more like i should be looking at them (them being those stupid people i dislike so often).

can't we all just get along in this world? - ™rodney king

28 September 2005

last night i came home from having dinner with a friend to find that there was a firetruck in front of my house. a momentary panic came over me, worried about chloe the miniature gazelle upstairs. the panic erased when i realized that about four doors down there was a truck in the front of somebody's house.

apparently a crazy neighbor lady decided to say hello to the other neighbor without using the doorbell. she says she has a "balance problem" which prevented her from hitting the brake properly. we still haven't figure out how she came to hit the house at a 45 degree angle when she wasn't even pulling into their driveway. the best part is that this follow us a similar incident that she had with her own house a few weeks ago.

& we wonder why there are crazies still on the road. this would easily explain why my car insurance doesn't go down since it's based on the number of claims within your zip code.

hello, stupidity.

27 September 2005

this template is getting old. i'm just sayin'.

had a fantastic weekend catching up with old friends. there's much to be said for how your friendships progress. deena & i have been friends for going on eight years now. we met shortly after i moved to raleigh. she pretty much told me that i'd be her friend & somehow that really happened. i don't regret it.

here we are eight years later & we have a wealth of good memories, challenging memories, growing memories & the like. her husband, philip, is better than we could have imagined to be her husband. the fit is simply right.

we arrived in boone around 9:30 PM friday night. spent much of the time gabbing & catching up. while jessica & stephen had already met eric, deena & philip hadn't yet had the opportunity. much grilling occurred; he seemed to pass muster. we headed to bed that evening, sleeping soundly until we were awakened by philip-the-chef (CIA-certified), fixing homemade whole wheat waffles with both blueberry compote & strawberry compote. absolute heaven in those compotes. who thought of the name compote, anyhow?

we took a multiple mile hike through the mountaineous region near their house, heading down to the new river. we had a couple of canine companions who joined us & our reward at the end was a much-depleted river that appeared to be a creek. we spent some time skipping rocks & being amused by the hound dogs who were splashing joyously through the water. we headed back to the house before heading into downtown boone.

several of our crew had never seen ASU's campus, so we toured through there before heading into downtown for some shopping & MAST GENERAL STORE. lunch was consumed at MACADO'S, the best college sandwich place ever. i used to love me some macado's back in college & i get it rarely.

after lunch we wandered through a street festival before heading out to BLOWING ROCK & MOSES CONE MEMORIAL PARK. 3600 acres of gorgeous mountain land, walking trails, horse trails, a lake & more mountain air than you could breathe in a century. so peaceful.

we ended the day by coming back for philip to actually grind his own hamburger meat. what? i can't lie, those were the best burgers i've ever had. there's something to be said for having a full-time chef around the place.

that evening we relaxed, sated & happy. we played games. we laughed. it's a shame it had to end on sunday when stephen, jess, eric & i returned to raleigh.

but at least it's an addition to the bank of memories.

23 September 2005

i really have lost the old blog touch of late. life has a funny way of taking over that silly blogworld. i am somewhat renewing my bloggery skills. or at least i say that i am doing so. i think BETH might have inspired me. or not.

i have a plethora of photos on my camera that i continue to take, stating that i must (1) upload them to flicker & (2) blog about them. there are various entereating photos, including photos from eric's & my trip to the NORTHC CAROLINA LIFE & SCIENCE MUSEUM. i insisted that we ride the train. an extra $2, mind you, but well worth it. it was basically $1 per trip around the cheesy train circle. our knees were bumping the seat in front of us but i was laughing too hysterically about it to care. eric & the child in front of me thought i'd lost my mind. but i didn't. you believe me, right? right?!

no time to properly blog now, but perhaps after the weekend in BOONE with jessica & stephen & deena & philip, i'll have something more exciting to share.

until then, have a chocomochalattaccino on me.

14 September 2005

i have been absent, mostly having a life. or rather life has swirled around me & around us.

hurricane katrina came & went. actually, she left much destruction in her path. while that destruction did not affect me directly, it did affect me indirectly. i imagine we could all agree it affected all of us indirectly, if not directly. the devastation that has happened is severely amazing. to see the fingerprint of hurricane aftermath is an experience not likely to be forgotten. i haven't seen katrina's aftermath personally, but it is no surprise that it is still prevalant in the media. i recall the september, 1999 aftermath from hurricane floyd here in the carolinas. the sheer destruction of 3 feet of standing, mucky water is unbelieable. nasty stenches, bacterias that are seething in the teeming mass of floodwaters. all things that are uncomfortable at least, dangerous at best.

is there a best in the aftermath from such an event?

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