i have a few comments on the new blogger system. first, it's cleaner & more streamlined than before. that's commendable. second, they have a heinous fond that's being used for the generic font to draft my posts. heinous, i tell you. i think it's garamond or trebuchet or something. who names a font after a trebuchet? incidentally, i had a link to the wikipedia entry for "trebuchet" but couldn't link it for some odd reason. i'll add that to the list of things that i must query for this brave new world of blogger.
in the meantime, i have nothing more than a few random comments.
01 . i did not watch the super bowl. i'm not that upset. i heard the commercials were somewhat hit-or-miss. frankly, i only watch for commercials, so perhaps my time was better spent being somewhat of a wallflower & reading the omnivore's dilemma. (again, i would link, but it's not happening so you're on your own but you're all resourceful people so i have faith that you & amazon will work it out.)
02 . as i purchased my grande skim no-whip mocha at my lucky $tarbuck$ today, the barista asked if i were a snowbunny. i looked at her blankly before she went on to say that without my coat, she assumed me to be such. i cackled (sadly, yes, i cackled) because i'm often accused by my fabulously nerdy & yankee-hailing boyfriend to be like a hothouse flower who shrivels at the mere mention of 30-degree temperatures. & yes, that's farenheit for you canuckleheads.
03 . three comes after two. the end.
04 . today is february 5 & i wonder how many people have already broken their new year's resolutions?
05 . i have been racking my brain occasionally for the last few days tryingn to understand why this february picture on my calendar. the child looks slightly special & the couple looks strangely erotic in the background.